Been there, done that, got the crippling student loan debt to prove it? This Do Not Let Me Apply For A Phd Under Any Circumstances No Matter What I Say Shirt is your warning to others, a sartorial cry for help disguised as a funny slogan. If the thought of another dissertation makes you break out in hives, this is the perfect garment to express your sentiments.
Do Not Let Me Apply For A Phd Under Any Circumstances No Matter What I Say Shirt – Stay True to Your PhD-Free Life
This Do Not Let Me Apply For A Phd Under Any Circumstances No Matter What I Say Shirt isn’t just a t-shirt; it’s a conversation starter, a bold statement, and possibly the best decision you’ll make all year (besides, you know, not applying for that PhD). The shirt features a clear, concise message that leaves no room for interpretation: “do not let me apply for a PhD under any circumstances no matter what i say.”
Current Graduate Students: A tongue-in-cheek way to express the everyday struggles of PhD life. A perfect gift to commiserate with fellow sufferers.
Grad School Dropouts: Wear it with pride! You made it out, and this shirt is your badge of honor.
Undergraduates Contemplating Their Future: A funny way to acknowledge the pressure to pursue further education.
Anyone with a Sense of Humor: Even if you’ve never considered a PhD, this shirt is a relatable and funny commentary on life choices and self-doubt.
Friends and Family of serial students.
So, whether you’re serious about avoiding the PhD path or just want a funny, conversation-starting t-shirt, this is the perfect addition to your wardrobe. Order yours Do Not Let Me Apply For A Phd Under Any Circumstances No Matter What I Say Shirt today and let the world know: you’re choosing sanity (and a full night’s sleep) over another thesis. Add to your wardrobe now before any moment of weakness!